Its official!

Place to come in and say HI to the club after you have registered

Moderators: Subie Gal, 2stroketurbo

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Joined: 18 years ago
Location: PA

Its official!

#1 Post by Subaruba »

What a good day yesterday was
I realized that all 3 kids are going to school of some sort, (2 in different preschool classes, and the oldest just started Kindergarten!), I also noticed that Fall is fast approaching and I finally received my membership package! How exciting! I'm officially a member so now if anyone has any ideas for my 360 search, feel comfortable in sharing any hidden member tips :D
Some people may feel the Fall season as dull and dreary, but I find it refreshing with a last surge of energy and eagerness in the car search! I look forward to finding one and being able to take it (eventually) out for a nice drive. The cool breeze wakes me up and I can't wait to keep looking with the new hope of having a 360 of my own (ok I'll share it with my boyfriend Tom)....soon, I just know it!
If ever there were a car to love, it would be the 360...

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