... =12&t=1949
I pulled images from my personal web space, and linked them here.
At this time, does not have the server space in which to host large personal photo collections.
We can host the odd photo here and there, please continue to submit those....
But, for a full gallery? you'll need to link you photos from your personal space.
**You cannot, at this time, upload images from your computer.**
There are image hosting services on the www.
Host your images there, then link them here.
I would suggest try using:
Here is a step-by-step method on how to link photos once hosted
Linking a file from the Internet
Step One:
First thing to do is hit "new thread" or "post reply" depending on when/why you are posting.
Next, type out the text of your thread.
Step Two:
Next: go to the webpage with the photo you are wanting to link
and "right-mouse-click" the picture
(not on the page, it MUST be on the picture itself!!)
A box will pop up - scroll all the way down to the bottom -
click on "properties."

Step Three:
You should see another box pop up
If you are using internet Explorer as your web browser,
you will see a value titled "Address (URL)"- that is the URL for the picture.
Highlight that value (everything including "http" all the way to the end (it may be a very long URL and run on besides what you can see... keep highlighting until you have ALL of it, or it will not work).
Copy the URL - "right-mouse-click" - select > copy
DO NOT use the URL in the Address bar of your browser!

Step Four:
Take the URL you just copied, and insert it between "image tags". There is a "Img" button above the post area - click on it and it will place the tags in your post, with the cursor sitting in-between them. Then, paste the URL of your photo right there where the cursor is.
Image tags:
[ img] [/ img ] (but without the spaces)
If you do not use that exact format, the picture will show up on the board as a "Red X" box.

Step Five:
The last thing to do is to check your work by previewing your post

NOTES: Many sites, geocities and angelfire being among them, will NOT allow you to directly link photos in this manner- don't bother trying.
Feel free to practice & post
As always, feel free to contact me with questions
